Participation Checklist

Business is Picking Up relies on businesses who self nominate and choose to be a part of the program.

Businesses who self nominate will be graded on their sustainability efforts and awarded based on their calculated rankings.

A business’ ranking will be calculated based on the following criteria:


Possible sustainability efforts:

  • Recycling bottles and cans
  • Composting food waste
  • Paper straws provided only upon request
  • No polystyrene used in takeout
  • Refillable water bottle stations (malls/office buildings)
  • Carpool/subsidized transit available
  • Benefits provided for customers who utilize their own reusable bags or coffee cups

Questions we ask of commercial/retail businesses?

  • How often is trash emptied outside venue?
  • Are dumpsters covered or loose?


Possible sustainability efforts:

  • Refillable water bottle stations
  • Recycled medical waste boxes (Kaiser)
  • Recycled paper utilized when available
  • Cafeteria food is composted
  • Recycling bottles/cans
  • Carpool/subsidized transit


Possible sustainability efforts:

  • Refillable water bottle stations
  • Policies on recycling for functions
  • Policies on disposable plastic at public (govt) events
  • Sustainable landscaping


Possible sustainability efforts:

  • Trash/waste pickups limited to once a week, robust recycling programs offered
  • Food and yard waste is composted as opposed to bagged
  • Not buying bottled water unless necessary
  • Sustainable landscaping efforts
    • Minimal pesticides and herbicides
    • Usage of native plants
    • Eradication of invasive species if possible
  • Use your own cup programs
  • Use your own grocery bag programs
  • Require residents to pick up pet waste

BIPU’s award levels are as follows:


A yellow award indicates a business or organization is taking some great first steps towards being highly sustainable.


A blue award shows that a business is committed to sustainability, taking steps beyond what is required to be a part of BIPU.


A green award shows that a business considers sustainability a major part of their brand – they have taken drastic steps to become greener and want everyone to know!